Word Wizard
In mid 2020 copywriting company Word Wizard decided to revamp its website. Its current site was stale, no longer reflected the current business, looked tired and did not perform well in searches. In fact, little SEO had ever been applied to the site, apart from individual page titles and descriptions.
The website was overhauled using Dunedin website company, The Logic Studio, with new sections and a fresh, modern look. Fortunately, The Logic Studio was associated with Netbloom so various SEO-enhancing features were incorporated during the build. A keyword search was undertaken to determine the terms most commonly searched for on Google, which were added – where helpful – into the text. This overcame the necessity of changing the text to fit SEO needs once the site went live. As well, security was tightened and loading speed increased.
Once the site was complete, Netbloom began tackling the SEO. Using our latest research into Google’s current algorithm and our experience with other websites, we began ticking off the list of items which were needed to ensure the site ranked highly on Google for the nominated search terms. These included, optimised on-page content, connecting Google services for analytics tracking, submitting the new pages to Google, obtaining high-quality backlinks and ensuring the SEO best practices were used.
Word Wizard principal, Lynnaire Johnston, is delighted with the results achieved by Netbloom. “Our analytics are through the roof. Before we began the SEO exercise very few people found our site. Now, we are receiving hundreds of visits from browsers in all our major markets.”
Lynnaire is the first to admit she knows only the basics about SEO. “However, I found working with Matthew to be a fantastic experience. He talked to me like a human, not a geek – which I have found is remarkably uncommon with tech types. He gave me a list of tasks I needed to complete so he could get the best results, and he answered all my questions so I now have a better handle on the subject.”
SEO is an ongoing process and as Word Wizard adds pages to its site Netbloom continues to provide SEO to assist in Google indexing and ranking. Lynnaire has also since recommended Netbloom to several of her clients.